everyday i write the book...

Back in the 1960's, these quests were sometimes called "trying to find ourselves". (one cynical parent suggested that in the course of an especially prolonged search his child had time to find several people.) Though a straight line appears to be the shortest distance between two points, life has a way of confounding geometry. Often it is the dalliances and the detours that define us. There are no maps to guide our most important searches; we must rely on hope, chance, intuition, and a willingness to be surprised.
Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart
Gordon Livingston, MD
The world closed in around me. I shouldn't feel this way. I knew that. We had broken up years ago. Now, after all this time, I should be smiling. I should feel something wistful, a passing nostalgia, a poignant remembrance of a time when I was young and naive. But no, that was not what was going on here. Rachel stood ten yards away and it all flooded back. What i felt was a still-too- powerful yearning, a longing that tore through me, that made both the love and heartbreak feel fresh and alive.
No Second Chance
Harlan Corben
Not letting go of the things that matter is hot
We should all live our lives even though
The most important ones are the hardest to keep
seen in singapore on a construction hoarding in Holland Village!