Tuesday, March 23, 2010

..the apple that doesn't want to get eaten, will still fall off the tree..

But then it got too loud to talk much, and Tucker started to get gloomy. He had feared the onset of gloom. It was the real reason he hadn’t wanted to come out in first place. He’d spent a lot of time doing nothing, but the trick to doing nothing, as far as he was concerned, anyway, was not to think while you were doing it. The trouble with going to see bands is that there wasn’t much else to do but think, if you weren’t being swept away on a wave of visceral or intellectual excitement;…
Mediocre loud music penned you in to yourself, made you pace up and down your own mind until you were pretty sure you could see how you might end up going out of it. In the seventy five minutes that he spent with himself, he managed to revisit pretty much every single place he’d have been happy never to see again.

Juliet, Naked
Nick Hornby

What are you thinking about?
You always hated it when I asked that question.
It’s a tricky question you used to say.
That it’s an illusion to pretend that we can bridge the gap between your thoughts and mine.
For you, every person is like a planet.
And two different planets can never become one
Two people together will always be: one plus one
I preferred to think of us as bubbles.
Because when they touch, they merge into one another
Like when two people make love
But now I know what you meant
Two people together will always be one plus one.

I must confess to being as confused as I have ever been, when it comes to the subject of compatibility. I have tried to live with women who share a similar sensibility to mine, with predictably disastrous consequences, but the opposite route seems every bit as hopeless. We get together with people because they’re the same or because they’re different, and in the end we split with them for exactly the same reasons. I am coming to the conclusion that I need a woman who admires fecklessness and indolence in a man; whether that woman is the CEO of a Wall Street bank or a graffiti artist makes no difference to me.

Juliet, Naked
Nick Hornby