Friday, December 12, 2008

Fill what is empty, empty what is full..

His parents made it look easy. You find someone and then you stick with them forsaking all others until you parted by the grave. You kept the big promises you had made in bed and in church and on all the days you would never forget. That's what you did, and your life was simple, and the future was clear. It did not seem impossible, unimaginable.
So why couldn't he do it?
What was wrong with him?
...He didn't want arrangements made, bargains struck, secrets shared. He wanted the one who would make him forget about all the others. That was what he wanted. That was all he ever wanted.
You find the one that obliterates all the rest and it immediately solves all problems, it resolves everything and puts an end to all the wanting, because once you start the wanting, it's never enough until your heart stops beating, and there can be no rest and no peace and no real happiness. All you had to do was to find the one that would blind you to the rest of the world. That's all he wanted,the same as everyone else. It didn't seem too much to ask.
...His parents had made it look easy and prehaps in the end it was easy. As long as you kept the promises. If you broke the promises then suddenly everything else was breakable too.

My Favourite Wife
Tony Parsons

What if the problem was not trying to meet someone great but that you would meet a lot of great people? What if the problem was not finding someone worthy of love, but meeting an endless number of people who were worthy of love? What then? Was that a blueprint for a happy life? Or a recipe for disaster?

My Favourite Wife
Tony Parsons