portions for foxes

“To be nobody but yourself — in a world that is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else — is to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight and never stop fighting.”
E.E. Cummings
Some nights alone he thinks of her.
And some nights alone..
..she thinks of him.
Some nights these thoughts occur at the same moment.
And Ray and Mirabelle are connected without ever knowing it.
But Mirabelle, now feeling the warmth of her first reciprocal love..
..has broken away from him.
And as Jeremy offers her more of his heart,
Mirabelle offers equal parts of herself in return.
One night, sooner than she would have liked..
..which made it irresistible..
..they make love for the second time in months.
At this point..
..Jeremy surpasses Ray Porter as a lover of Mirabelle..
..because what he offers her..
..is tender..
..and true.
Shopgirl, 2005
..“in his journal, Dad quotes a Hungarian-born psychiatrist, Thomas Szasz: ‘Happiness is an imaginary condition, formerly often attributed by the living to the dead, now usually attributed to adults by children, and by children to adults…’
Eliot Perlman Seven Types of Ambiguity
What's all this shit about love?
How do we get so nuts?
The time we waste!
When you're alone, you cry,
"Will I find her?"
When you're not,
"Does she love me
as much as I love her?
"Can we love more than one person
in a lifetime?
"Why do we split up?"
All these fucking questions!
Yet you can't say we're uninformed.
We read love stories,
fairy tales, novels,
we watch movies. Love, love, love...
You could just call her back.
Les Poupées Russes 2005