..on threading a needle with boxing gloves...

..he was thinking of time and change, of how, one morning when he must have been quite small, he had discovered time, lying in the grass with his eyes closed against the sun. He was counting to himself. He counted up to 60, and thought: That is a minute. Then he thought: It will never be that minute again. It will never be today again. Never.
The merry go round in the sea, Randolph Stow
Maya: You know, can I ask you a personal question, Miles?
Miles Raymond: Sure.
Maya: Why are you so in to Pinot?
[laughs softly] Miles Raymond:
Maya: I mean, it's like a thing with you.
[continues laughing softly] Miles Raymond:
Miles Raymond: Uh, I don't know, I don't know. Um, it's a hard grape to grow, as you know. Right? It's uh, it's thin-skinned, temperamental, ripens early. It's, you know, it's not a survivor like Cabernet, which can just grow anywhere and uh, thrive even when it's neglected. No, Pinot needs constant care and attention. You know? And in fact it can only grow in these really specific, little, tucked away corners of the world. And, and only the most patient and nurturing of growers can do it, really. Only somebody who really takes the time to understand Pinot's potential can then coax it into its fullest expression. Then, I mean, oh its flavors, they're just the most haunting and brilliant and thrilling and subtle and... ancient on the planet.
Sideways, 2004
..So, yes, he permitted her to cook for him and to hold him, to take him for walks. He never permitted himself to tell her the lie she wanted to hear more than any poetry or prose. Despite this, she kept him going anyway, single-handedly, at least until I earned his trust.
One afternoon in bed, after a walk, she asked him how he could be so sure that he did not love her. Was she brave or stupid, do you think? Can you imagine you asking a question like that? Simon said that he did love her and that she should know it, but that he was not in love with her. You can forgive her, under the circumstances, for thinking he was off on another semantic frolic of his own. If he hadn't been so forthcoming she might have taken comfort in the ambiguity.
" In spite of all that i unfortunately am now, or more accurately all that i am not, I am still far too cautious, too careful with you, to be in love with you. That's how i know, i suppose," he told her.
Seven types of ambiguity, Elliot Perlman
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je t'aime moi non plus...
long live Serge