sacred cows make the best burgers

...Isn’t it strange how the T.V news always starts off with ‘ Good Evening’ – then proceeds to show you why it isn’t...
"What are you doing here," he asked the drunkard...
"Drinking," replied the drunkard, with a gloomy expression.
"Why are you drinking?" the little prince asked.
"To forget," replied the drunkard.
"To forget what?" inquired the little prince, who was already feeling sorry for him.
"To forget that I'm ashamed," confessed the drunkard, hanging his head.
"What are you ashamed of?" inquired the little prince, who wanted to help.
"Of drinking!" concluded the drunkard...
Antoine de Saint-Exupery, Le petit prince
"..we just kept talking. First night we talked for five hours. Next night five more. For the last three nights we've been up until dawn just talking.
What do you talk about?
I don't know. Everything and nothing. We just talk.
Talk for hours and hours and hours?
What's her name?
That's a good name,a strong name. Are you in love?
I've never met her..."
page 201
"..I stay with Liza we talk for hours I get along better with her than any woman I've ever met we laugh and laugh and we sit and talk for hours. As easy as it is to be with each other and as much as we like each other there's still something missing. We both feel it we both know it there's something missing between us and we both mourn it."
page 219
My Friend Leonard j. Frey
currently listening to: Jose Gonzalez, a Swede from Argentinian parents who sings in English..
Click here to listen to 'heartbeats27'
i love our global village!
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