..nothing looks the same in the light...

"How happy is the blameless vestal's lot?
"The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
"Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.
Each prayer accepted and each wish resigned. "
Albert Camus suggested that we fall in love with people because, from the outside, they look so , both physically whole and emotionally ‘together’, when subjectively we feel so dispersed and confused. Lacking a coherent narrative, a stable personality, a fixed direction, a thematic unity, we hallucinate such qualities in the other. Was there not something of this in my relationship with Chloe, namely that from the outside, (prior to epidermal contact), she seemed so wonderfully controlled, possessed of a distinct and continuous character, whereas post-coitally I saw her as vulnerable, prone to collapse, dispersed, needy? Was this not a case of Nietzechean self, the mere sum of it’s actions, attached and sexually attracted to the idea of Bishop Butlers ‘essential’ self? Therefore the echo of Bob Dylan’s celebrated ‘Don’t fall apart on me( tonight)’ after the tears had flowed’
Alain de Botton
..come la rugiada che risveglia i fiori senza luce ne rilevo le forme..
The ex-Beatle also complained about the personal downside of his talent.
"It's not fun being a genius," he said. "It's torture."
On a more positive note, Lennon talked about the contentment he found with Ono compared with the other types of pleasure and gratification he had experienced.
"I've been through it all, and nothing works better than to have somebody you love hold you."
Joel walks with Naomi.
So what's going on, Joel?
I don't know, I've just been thinking,
maybe we're not happy with each other.
Y'know, we've been, I don't know, sort
of, unhappy with each other and --
Don't say "we" when you mean "you."
I think maybe, we're both so used to
operating at this level that -- How can
one person be unhappy? If one person is
unhappy, both have to be... by
Bullshit. Who is it? You met someone.
No. I just need some space, maybe.
The thing is, Joel, whatever it is you
think you have with this chick, once the
thrill wears off, you're just going to be
Joel with the same fucking problems.
It's not somebody else.
I hate myself.
Naomi walks off. Joel watches her. The scene fades.
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