besame mucho..(or, get your tongue out of my mouth i'm kissing you goodbye!)

« It's easy to begin. To end it's even
easier. We always get to the first sentence, the first
magazine number, the first month of love. Each start is
a change and human heart gets addicted to changing...
It's easy to begin. To end it's even more so. Therefore I respect these activities each time less. I've learned that the most natural is to create and the hardest of all things is to continue.The activity I most love and respect it's the activityof maintaining. (...) It's so easy to be a rebel. It looks so nice to be irreverent...but..... If I were to be strong, I would be a real conservative. To change is an animal instinct. To preserve, because it's against nature, it's more likely human. I prefer the one who unburies to the one who plants. I like the archaeologist more than the architect. I like academicians, collectors, librarians, anthologists, gardeners. Today I understand why Auden said a lasting marriage is more passionate than the most burning passion. To keep is hard work. Things have an horrible tendency to die.»
Miguel Cardoso (with apologies for the 'rough' translation from Portugese.
Jesse: So that I wouldn't forget the details of the time that we spent together. You know like, just as a reminder that...that once we really did meet, you know, that this was real. This happened.
Céline: I’m happy you’re saying that because...I mean, I always feel like a freak because I'm never able to move on like (snaps her fingers) this! You know? People just have an affair or even...entire relationships...they break up and they forget! They move on like they would have changed brand of cereals! I feel I was never able to forget anyone I've been with. Because each person have...their own specific qualities. You can never replace anyone. What is lost is lost.
Each relationship when it ends really damages me; I never fully recover. That's why I'm very careful with getting involved hurts too much! Even getting laid - I actually don't do that. I will miss of the person the most mundane things. Like I'm obsessed with little things.
Maybe I'm crazy, but...when I was a little girl, my mom told me that I was always late to school. One day she followed me to see why. I was looking at chestnuts falling from the trees rolling on the sidewalk or...ants crossing the road...the way a leaf casts a shadow on a tree trunk...little things. I think it's the same with people. I see in them little details so specific to each of them that move me and that I miss, and...will always miss. You can never replace anyone, because everyone is made of such beautiful specific details.
she me in a dream i had...
Segues-me, sorris-me, na noite me seduzes
Eu sei que tu sabes que não sei mais quem eu sou
Amo-te tanto, amo-te tanto, no entanto.
Como o tempo que passa e mente, eu espero
Sempre derrotada, atormentas-me
E os teus desejos possuem-me para me destruírem
Tiro algum prazer em sofrerem me punir, em me arrepender.
Sempre submissa, desprezas-me, rejeitas-me, maltratas-me
Dor e desejo são sinónimos do meu prazer
Abandono-me aos homens sem preocupação nem tormento
Perdi-me completamente por um jovem rapaz
Um pouco fora da norma
Procuras-me, vigias-me, abraças-me e eu sinto-me bem
Prendes-me tão lentamente, desprendo-me
E depois devolves-me ao meu sofrimento
Serei aquela que te agrada, a luz sobre a tua pele
Aquela que espera à tua porta
E aquela que... pouco importa, serei quem tu quiseres
O suor no teu rosto, a brisa nos teus cabelos
Ou aquela que te partirá o pescoço
Sorrio-te, prejudico-te, amo-te
Destruo-te, tomo-te e tu vens
Tudo está bem quando acaba bem
Tu sabes que eu sei que tu não sabes mais quem és
Desde que te dedicas aos nossos pequenos jogos fora da norma
Agrado-te, agradas-meSomos os amantes do tormento
À noite matamos o aborrecimento, o amor segue-nos sempre
O amor foge-nos sempre, o amor destrói-nos sempre
Como a chuva e o esquecimento, como os gritos noite dentro
Amo-te tanto, amo-te tanto, no entanto.
To the man without a face...
your words bleed truth.
hey Cassandra! au contraire..multi-FACEted..:)
I can't agree more. To "keep on keeping on" is an aerobic activity, but to change with the tides is a walk in the park.
Funny you mention Before Sunset, as I have written about it in my blog as well. I find this film to be infinitely sad.
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