Friday, August 13, 2004

I know what you did last friday the 13th a.k.a TGIF!



*He said that to himself with certainty, but he was no longer happy with his decision. He had worked an entire year to make a dream come true, and that dream, minute by minute, was becoming less important. Maybe because that wasn't really his dream. *

-Pg 66, The Alchemist

"What we see depends mainly on what we look for."
Sir John Lubbock (1834 - 1913)

i didn't know if Clarissa's gestures toward me were platonic, or Aristotelian, Hegelian, or erotic. So i just lay there, connected to her at 3 points: her hand on my neck, my hand on her back, her hair brushing against my side. I stared at the ceiling and wondered how i could be in love with someone whose name had no anagram.Later she dragged her hand sleepily across my chest and went back to bed, leaving a ghostly impression on me like a handprint of phosphorous.

S.M - The pleasure of my company

Where is the man without the beast? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great lonliness of spirit.
Chief Seattle

*When someone sees the same people everyday, as had happened with him at the seminary, they wind up becoming a part of that person's life. And then they want that person to change. If someone isn't what others want them to be, the others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.
de Alchemist -pg 18

Any woman who thinks the way to a man's heart is through his stomach is aiming about 10 inches too high.

Adrienne E. Gusoff


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