per aspera ad astra

Zondag 8 Augustus
Woensdagmiddag, en ik zit er weer,
Het huis waar wij het deden voor de eerste keer
Het lijkt alweer zo lang geleden,
Dat ik je tegen de deurpost uitkleede.
Je ogen verleidelijk, je lippen vragend om eenzoen,
We deden het, we gingen het doen.
Elke woensdag denk ik eraan terug,
Intens genoten ook al was het maar vlug.
Zo vertrouwd en dat voor de eerste keer,
IK mis je, wenneer doen we het weer??????
gevonden op 27 Augustus op een boom, Buiksloterdijk.
"Rest not! Life is sweeping by; go and dare before you die.Something mighty and sublime, leave behind to conquer time."
Goethe (1749-1832)
in spite of the gleaming bursts of well-being that were generated by the idea of loving Clarissa instead of Elizabeth, in the deeper hours of the night i began to look at myself, to consider myself and my condition, to measure the life i'd led so far. I did not know what made me this way. I did not know of any other way i could be. I did not know what was inside me or how i could redeem what was hidden there. There must be a key or person or thing, or song or poem or belief, or old saw that could access it, but they all seemed so far away, and after i drifted further and further into self absorbtion, i closed the evening with this desolate thought: There are few takers for the quiet heart.
pagina 80,
The pleasure of my Company,
Steve Martin (yes, that one..)
"... expect anything, because the future will be made by someone we least expect, or don't yet know..."
"..surely i come quickly"
jesus' last words.
Book of revelations. 22.20
*It's the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary; only wise men are able to understand them. -pg 17
van de Alchemist
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