The pleasure of my company
5 Mai
"All our young lives we search for someone to love, someone who makes us complete. We choose partners and change partners. We dance to a song of heartbreak and hope, all the while wondering if somewhere and somehow there is someone searching for us."
-The Wonder Years
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Nederlanders is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you.
-Rita Mae Brown
"be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind"
-Dr. Seuss
"...Watching a cube of sugar dissolve into a cup of camomile tea, Chloe, whose company i relied upon to make life meaningful, remarked, "We can't move in together because of my problem: I have to live on my own or else i melt. It's not just a matter of shutting a door, it's a psychological, womb thing. It's not that i don't want you it's just that i'm afraid of wanting only you, of finding there's nothing left of me. So excuse it as a general part of my fucked-upness, but i'm afraid i have to stay a bag lady..."
On a trip to the moors Holmes & Watson were lying in a field looking at the stars.
"Let's test your observational skills Watson, said Holmes.
What do you see?
I see the stars in the beautiful summer sky, said Watson.
What do your observational powers tell you Sherlock?
My observational powers tell me Watson said Holmes,
that someone has stolen our tent."
"All our young lives we search for someone to love, someone who makes us complete. We choose partners and change partners. We dance to a song of heartbreak and hope, all the while wondering if somewhere and somehow there is someone searching for us."
-The Wonder Years
The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Nederlanders is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you.
-Rita Mae Brown
"be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind dont matter and those who matter dont mind"
-Dr. Seuss
"...Watching a cube of sugar dissolve into a cup of camomile tea, Chloe, whose company i relied upon to make life meaningful, remarked, "We can't move in together because of my problem: I have to live on my own or else i melt. It's not just a matter of shutting a door, it's a psychological, womb thing. It's not that i don't want you it's just that i'm afraid of wanting only you, of finding there's nothing left of me. So excuse it as a general part of my fucked-upness, but i'm afraid i have to stay a bag lady..."
On a trip to the moors Holmes & Watson were lying in a field looking at the stars.
"Let's test your observational skills Watson, said Holmes.
What do you see?
I see the stars in the beautiful summer sky, said Watson.
What do your observational powers tell you Sherlock?
My observational powers tell me Watson said Holmes,
that someone has stolen our tent."

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