I changed my looks but i still felt the same
I rearranged my house but i still lived there
I changed my lovers
but i still wanted you
I changed but i didn't
Because we can never be anything
but a variation of ourself.
My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I'm happy. I can't figure it out. What am I doing right?
Charles M. Schulz
Ach der geworfene, ach der gewagte Ball, fullt er die Hande nicht anders mit Wiederkehr: rein um sein Heimgewicht ist er mehr.
Ahh the ball that we hurled into infinite space, doesn't it fill our hand differently with it's return:heavier by the weight of where it has been.
..Luke and Nicole showered and lay in bed. "It's so lovely to go to bed and not have sex," Luke whispered. 'Isn't it?'Nicole was already asleep. He lay on his back unable to sleep, drifting. There will come a time, he thought, when i will look back on this night, when i will lie in another bed, when happiness will have come to seem an impossibility, and i will remember this night, remember how happy i was, and will remember how, even when i was in the midst of my happiness, I could feel a time when it would be gone. And i will realise that this knowledge was a crucial part of that happiness....The same thought went through many mixes as he lay there, drifting, alert, sort of asleep.
As a very wise man (I think it was Jim Davidson) once said," My best advice for women is this: If we say something and there are 2 possible interpretations and one of them makes you feel sad or angry, we meant the other one."
"I bet
on a race horse
that bore your name
it stumbled
at the clubhouse turn
just like I did
through your life"
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