Sunday, October 05, 2008

eh, nao ser eu toda a gente e toda a parte times he felt deep in his chest, a dying, quiet voice, which admonished him quietly, lamented quietly; he hardly perceived it. And then, for an hour, he became aware of the strange life he was leading, of him doing lots of things which were only a game, of, though being happy & feeling joy at times, real life still passing him by & not touching him. As a ball-player plays with balls, he played with his business deals, with the people around him, watched them, found amusement in them; with his heart, with the source of his being, he was not with them.
The source ran somewhere, far way from him, ran an ran invisibly, had nothing to do with his life anymore. And at such times he suddenly became scared on account of such thoughts and wished that he would also be gifted with this ability to participate in all of this childlike-naive occupations of the daytime with passion and with his heart, really to live, really to eat, really to enjoy and to live instead of just being a spectator.

Herman Hesse

Being able to take up such opportunities is one of the great priviliges of not working - I love not having plans. In Sydney at our wedding people kept asking me ' what do you do all day in India?' I left almost embarrassed saying 'travelling', as it's not something valued much in my homeland. But i'm growing increasingly happy with my choice to go with the flow in life. It's liberating and exciting.

Sarah Macdonald
Holy Cow!

"What should I possibly have to tell you, oh venerable one?"
Prehaps that you're searching for too much? That in all that searching, you don't find the time for finding?"
"How come?" asked Govinda
"When someone is searching, said Siddhartha, then it might easily happen that the only thing his eyes still see is that he searches for, that he is unable to find anything, to let anything enter his mind, because he always thinks of nothing but the object of his search, because he has a goal, because he is obsessed by the goal. Searching means 'having a goal'. But finding means 'being free, being open, having no goal'.
You oh venerable one, are prehaps indeed a searcher, because, striving for your goal, there are many things you wouldn't see, which are directly in front of your eyes.


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