My daddy always told me to do the best you knew how and tell the truth. He said there was nothin that set a man's mind at ease like wakin up in the morning and not havin to decide who you were. And if you done somethin wrong just stand up and say you done it and say you're sorry and get on with it. Don't haul stuff around with you. I guess all that sounds pretty simple today. Even to me. All the more reason to think about it. He didn't say a lot so i tend to remember what he did say. And i don't remember that he had a lot of patience with havin to say things twice so I learned to listen the first time. I might of strayed from all of that some as a younger man but when i got back on that road I pretty much decided not to quit again and I didn't. I think the truth is always simple. It has pretty much got to be. It needs to be simple enough for a child to understand. Otherwise it'd be too late. By the time you figured it out it would be too late.
Cormac McCarthy
No country for old men
Cada um de nós é varios, e muitos, é uma prolixidade de si mesmos.
Por isso aquele que despreza o ambiente não é o mesmo que dele se alega ou padece. Na vasta colónia do nosso ser há gente de muitas espécies, pensando e sentindo diferentemente.
Each of us is several, is many, is a profusion of selves. So that the self who disdains his surroundings is not the same as the self who suffers or takes joy in them. In the vast colony of our being there are many species of people who think and feel in different ways.
Livro de desassaosego
Fernando Pessoa
and it should've been happy, it should've been as easy, it should've been as good for ever as it was in those Goan days and nights of love. We should've built a life from the stars and the sea and the sand. And i should've listened to her - she told me almost nothing, but she did give me clues, and i know now that she put signs in her words and expressions that were as clear as the constellations over our heads. BUt i didn't listen. It's a fact of being in love that we often pay no attention whatsoever to the substance of what a lover says, while being intoxicated to ecstasy by the way it's said. I was in love with her eyes, but i didn't read them. I loved her voice, but i didn't really hear the fear and anguish in it.
David Gregory Roberts
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