i used to miss her but my aim is improving...

my hand is a stone, to yours of water
I'm not glad that it's over
But i am glad that you are free
Free to give and get love
Free just to be
One day i will know
all the things you saw in me
One day i will fly like you
happy and carefree
Words will never say
What you meant to me
& anyway words i think
I used too much
crashing down on you like the sea
Your waves of kindness however
have lapped upon my shore
Providing me with shells and treasures
& wisdom messages (in heart shaped bottles)
later to explore
My heart is full of sorrow
for all the fears i have in me
that i could have loved you better
If only i could see
I'm sorry that i took you
from your happy, carefree life
& exchanged it for a prison
full of suffering & strife
You may tell me that's not so...
I gave as good as i got
I know what the truth is
I know what i was not
So in the early mornings
& by the fall of light
When all is quiet around you
& thoughts are not quite bright
Know that i am with you
Let all your fears take flight
For like it was when i first met you
remember what i said
"Lets just lie here together
you & me curled in a single bed"
I don't mean to make you cry now
on some things you should not dwell
Guess i will always be that hermit crab
lost & hiding in his shell
& you my sweet must always stay
that beautiful multi-coloured rainbow fish
I found swimming in Hong Kong bay.
Salty little rivulets
as i write, flow down my face
But they belong not in your ocean
for they leave only a bitter aftertaste.
So smile my sweetheart
& take all life can give
for noone's earned it more than you
a beauty without replace.
I must sail my private oceans
& though many storms i'll face
All the love you ever showed me
will always keep me right in place.
I know you were not perfect
But what score should we place in that?
you knew you were the one for me
But i, I chose to ignore that.
Zo met dit gefaxt briefje
zal ik zeggen adieu
maar ik kan geen worden vinden
to rhyme with the above adieu...
Abientot en tot ziens
moet ik niet meer schrijven
dus zeg ik alleen zachtig - doo!
en zo moet 't blijven.
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